Discover the Ease of Carrying with My Jalou: Book a Carrying Consultation Now!

At My Jalou everything revolves around expertise in wearing. That is why we have our own babywearing consultant and offer professional babywearing consultations!

In our instructional videos we show you step by step how to tie a sling and carry your baby safely. Do you want to learn more? Book a carrying consultation and discover the intricacies of the “pocket wrap cross carry” knotting technique, ideal for stretchy wraps. This method is perfect for babies from six months to a year. The big advantage? You can take your little one out without having to re-tie and tie the cloth at home before you go out.

You can book a consultation during your pregnancy or after your baby is born. We come to your home and start with a special carrying doll. Once you have mastered the knotting technique, we will practice with your little one.

Our babywearing consultations last approximately one and a half hours and cost €59.99. When you purchase a My Jalou baby sling you get a 10% discount on the consultation. We also offer extensive aftercare via email or app, so you can always contact us with your questions.

We work in the Zoetermeer area and will visit you within a radius of 10 km. Do you live further away? Don't worry, we have contacts with babywearing consultants in other regions and are happy to refer you.

Organize a fun afternoon with your pregnant or recently given birth friends and book one of our fun workshops. We will tell you everything about attachment, pouching and carrying, and then you can try out the slings together. The costs are €19.99 per person, and the workshop takes place with a minimum of four people.

Interested in a consultation or need more information? Complete the form below and indicate whether your child has already been born or when you are due. For direct contact you can also call us on 06-52540848.

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